Individual Therapy


Everything you need to know about individual therapy (plus its benefits)

Individual therapy for adults, teens, children, and parents  

As experts in the mental health area, we understand that your unique circumstances deserve a plan made just for you. At HHPG, we are passionate about helping you overcome the roadblocks you are facing. 
When working with children and teens, our process involves interviewing the child and the parent(s) in order to develop a complete understanding of what is contributing to the issues raised.

You are not alone. 

According to the CMHA, more than 6.7 million people are living with mental health conditions in Canada. 

Dealing with stress and mental health issues can be a very difficult subject to talk about with friends or even family.  If you need someone to talk to in a safe environment, individual therapy may be a good fit for you. 

What is individual therapy? 

When providing this service for children, teens, and parents, we approach each client with an assessment that involves interviewing the parent(s) and child to develop an understanding of what is contributing to the issues raised, which then informs the evidence-based treatment plan.

When working with adults, consultations can be 1-on-1 or with a partner or family member, if you prefer. 

Some examples of individual therapies include: 

  • ​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 

  • Dialectal Behavioural Therapy Informed Interventions (DBT)                   

  • Parent Management Training 

Benefits of Individual Therapy: 

Individual therapy is a great option as it helps us address the concerns we face in everyday life.

Here are some of the benefits of individual therapy sessions: 

  • Targeted focus, tailored to your specific needs at a pace that works for you 

  • Can help improve social functioning 

  • Treatment like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be effective in enhancing one’s overall mental state 

A large part of why individual therapy is beneficial is because it focuses directly on the problem areas of the client without the stress of having to change another person’s behaviours or opinions

Facts about mental health 

Cases of depression are increasing day by day, and people of all age groups can be affected by it. In 2018, the total number of people struggling with mental wellness was only 5.3 million. However, the number has increased to more than 6.7 million now.  

The following stats originally appeared in this article from CAMH:

  • 70% of mental health problems begin during childhood or adolescence 

  • Men are more likely to deal with addiction, while women tend to deal with mood and anxiety disorders 

  • By age 40, 1 in 2 Canadians have or have had a mental illness 

  • 81% of Canadians are more aware of mental health issues than compared to 5 years ago 

However, the mental healthcare department in Canada is continuously progressing and the number of people seeking the help of a professional is increasing. More than 50% of people having psychological problems felt that all their needs met well according to a report by Statistics Canada. 

Who needs the help of a professional psychologist? 

Not everyone experiencing mental health challenges needs the help of a professional. For some, turning to friends and family, or accessing self-help resources will be just what they need to address the concerns. When a person has tried to make changes but finds their mental health concerns are still having significant impact on their daily life (e.g., relationships, school, work, hygiene, etc.), it is likely time seek professional support. There is no shame in acknowledging one’s depression or anxiety.  We need to address mental health issues more openly so that they can be treated effectively. 

It is also important to know that whatever the reason for issues in your mental health, you are not alone and a quick phone call can help you better understand a first step to take.  

Multiple factors can induce mental health issues, like: 

  • family situation 

  • financial situation 

  • anger 

  • eating disorders 

  • abuse 

  • addiction 

  • sexuality 
    … and many more